A Motivation Audit Reveals What Matters Most to Your Employees and What Motivates Them

Why do your people do what they do at work? How can you motivate them to do the work that needs to be done? A Motivation Audit using The Science of Motivation® has your answers.

Employees believe, by an 18-point margin over CEOs, that benefits aligned with values lead to more motivated and productive employees.

2020 State of Workplace EmpathySM businessolver.com Inc.

Understand What Motivates Your People And Know What Drives Performance

We can conduct a motivation audit of each of your employee’s unique values and motives that drive their motivation. Decades of scientific psychological research led by Professor Steven Reiss, Ph.D., has identified sixteen basic human needs we all have in common. What makes us individuals and forms our personalities is our prioritization and the intensity with which these needs intrinsically motivate us. These sixteen needs generate thirty-two values. Our values create the system we use to judge every experience and situation as satisfying, frustrating, or neutral. A Motivation Audit assesses each employee’s values-system and creates a motivational blueprint to create the best possible work environment.

A Motivation Audit Delivers Actionable Data

  • Better assess the most important workplace environmental factors which will have a positive influence on your team
  • Predict what topics and situations are likely to trigger interpersonal conflicts and misunderstandings between employees
  • Create more naturally harmonious teams and workgroups
  • Succession plan based on motivational fit for role requirements
  • Increase inclusive collaboration and teamwork
  • Reduce undesired employee turnover
  • Increase employee satisfaction and engagement
  • Reduce employees’ interpersonal conflicts
  • Increase workplace performance!

A Motivation Audit Includes

  • Individual Reiss Motivation Profile® Report and Values Ranking Document for Each Employee
  • Individual Thirty-minute Motivation Application Session with Coach for Each Employee to Review and Apply Their Results
  • Summary Values/Needs/Motives Audit Chart for Each Workgroup or Team
  • Workforce Motivation/Values Analysis and Recommended Actions Management Brief
  • Four-hour Executive Briefing and Strategy Session to Apply Motivational Intelligence to Achieve Organizational Goals
  • Investment: $3,988 (Includes items listed above and motivation audits of up to twelve people. Additional people are $120 per person audited.)
    • All sessions are virtual. In-person briefings are possible with clients paying all travel expenses.

Please contact us to learn more about having a motivation audit conducted for your workforce.

Please complete this form if you are interested in scheduling a conversation about having a motivation audit conducted.

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