Schedule Your Live Zoom Executive Lunch & Learn Session with Andy Dix
Why do people do what we do? The Science of Motivation® has the answers! Which motivational myths and mistakes are costing your organization the most? Let’s schedule a free lunch and learn live Zoom session with your executive team. Andy Dix, North America’s leading expert on the Science of Motivation® and Motivational Intelligence @ work, will share with your team the motivational secrets discovered by over 30 years of academic scientific research. What do most bosses naturally do wrong that actually demotivates and frustrates employees? What causes most interpersonal conflicts, and how can we reduce them at work? What really motivates people? How can you use motivational intelligence @ work?
No cost. No sales pitch. No obligation. No reason not to learn how to begin using the Science of Motivation® to understand what really is motivating your people and your customers! When you understand your people and your customers, you understand what is truly driving your business!
Executive sessions are subject to availability. Complete the form below to request your session with Andy Dix.
Free Executive Lunch & Learn Session
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