Category: Relationships

Realtional Quality Control is Good for Business

In today’s hypercompetitive business landscape, organizations often focus on optimizing processes, cutting costs, and leveraging technology—yet many overlook their most critical asset: human relationships. Poor workplace dynamics cost companies billions annually in lost productivity, employee turnover, and stalled innovation. Enter Relational Quality Control (RQC), a systematic approach to cultivating high-performing teams by treating relationships as […]

Collaboration Requires Character

I recently enjoyed a fascinating conversation with a psychologist colleague of mine, Ann Daniel. She has invested a great deal of her professional career advising a major health care network on how to live out the network’s behavioral expectations for effective working relationships. One key element which Ann teaches is the importance we all place […]

Motivational Intelligence 101

10 Basic Facts About Motivation No one can motivate someone else.  All motivation is intrinsic (belonging to their essential nature) within each person. We are each motivated to behave in ways we believe will adequately satisfy our desires for 16 common human needs.  How we meet our most intensely desired needs becomes our habits and […]

Why Some People Hate Working Virtually

Jennifer, a Senior VP of a large corporation, slammed down her cellphone in frustration when she read the latest corporate email announcing their indefinite extension of virtual work from home privileges of most employees. What motivated Jennifer’s intense reaction to the announcement? Jennifer is one of the estimated 20% of humans who is naturally motivated […]

Effective Executives Are Power Providers

When I think of an effective executive, I think of a power block. An effective executive is plugged directly into the organization’s power current. They are the power providers for those connected to them. An effective executive is a surge protector for their team. They provides safety in storms to prevent those connected to them […]

How Can You Relate?

“What skill do you think is most valuable for a founder to develop?” asked my executive coaching client.“Relatability powered by the empathetic understanding of others,” I replied. Relationships Require Connections Being in an interpersonal relationship with anyone requires the ability to relate to each other meaningfully. Relating, by definition, means to establish a connection. Where […]